Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Tuesday 5th February (after Adam's Stock unit)

3.30pm Stephen Kavanagh
3.45pm Anna Zatanow
4.00pm Jill Stephen


Choose a soup with national characteristics:

French Onion, Minestrone, Scotch Broth, Miso, Won-Ton, Borscht, Gazpacho, etc

Construct an image in the studio with appropriate props - to deliver the connotations you want to convey to the viewer:

Freshness, Goodness, Exotic, Luxury, Basic, Traditional, Family, Nutritious, Healthy, Evening supper, Outdoor lunch, etc

Shoot one roll of 35mm daylight balanced 36exp colour transparency film: 100 ISO is ideal. Fuij Provia, Kodak E100G - you can check what characteristics different emulsions possess on the Kodak, Fuji and Silverprint sites in the Permanent Links section on the right.

If you're buying film from a shop - make sure it isn't "Process Paid" - this means it comes with an envelope for you to send it off for processing, having already paid for it in the price.

We will process the films at college, with NO COST TO YOU (Estimated four day turnaround)

Experiment with lighting - positioning, modulators, reflectors - and viewpoint

Remember: the journey is more important than the destination at this point
Collect research and plans in your workbook. Please work in pairs and keep a log of exposure details - it will help you decipher why your pictures look the way they do

Wednesday 27th February 9.00am
We'll look at your best and worst image. I'll provide slide mounts.


Make a time lapse sequence:

Choose your view and time parameters - minutes, hours, days
Arrange your exposures in sequential order - free to use photoshop or scalpel and glue
No limit on how many pictures you combine or the final dimensions

Assessment: Wednesday 27th February 9.00am Studio 22

Ideas and information:
Their circular life
More info on timelapse

Here are some simple instructions for those wanting to assemble their timelapse montage in Photoshop:

Make a new blank canvas big enough to frame your montage:
File – New (make sure the dpi resolution of the new canvas is the same as your timelapse images – ideally 300dpi)

Use the crop tool to cut a slice from each image and drag it into the new canvas

Use the Move tool to position each new slice on the new canvas

You can adjust the position of any layer by selecting from the one you wish to adjust from the layers palette

When you’re happy with the timelapse montage you can preserve all the layers – for future tweaking – by saving as a .psd (Photoshop file). If you’re bold enough to commit – you can merge all the layers and save as a .tif or .jpg

Advanced Photoshop users could stack all the images on top of one another and use the erase tool selectively on each layer to reveal and blend the layer underneath to create a merged version...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Stieglitz/Steichen - last chance

Don't panic!! However, for the remaining candidates who have yet to complete this essay: type Stieglitz or Steichen into the search window at the top left of the blog for details of what you are required to do.

Submission without exceptions: Tuesday 5th February Studio 22 10.00am

Theory Resit paper

Tuesday 5th February 9.30am in Studio 22.

Last chance to pass. Non-attendance is a straight fail.

Four candidates should attend. You know by now who you are.

Monday, January 28, 2008

In flagrante

You will struggle to find a copy, but here are some links that might help anyone curious:

Chris Killip where are you?

Thatcher 'no society' quote

Wikipedia on the 1984 Miners' strike

Get Carter: North East location tour

The image below (the first in the book) of the painter's blatant artistic licence clearly states Killip's intention - to create a fiction - one that serves his own truth. Objectivity gives way to subjectivity.

Your comments would be appreciated.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Monday 28th January: Semester 2

Semester 2 finally begins...

10.00am in the Lecture Theatre - it'll be an important session with lots of information. Please don't miss it.

We will also look at Chris Killip's documentary work, collected in a book called 'In flagrante'.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Holidays and Semester 2 Timetable

Are now in the side bar to the right of the blog

Monday, January 14, 2008


Some key Landscape photographers:

Arthur Tress

Ansel Adams (you all know his work)

John Davies

Ray Moore - a quiet genius

Fay Godwin

The New Topographics Photographers: "Anti-picturesque"
Robert Adams
Lewis Baltz

Andy Goldsworthy

Jerry Uelsmann (...I'd like to break his fingers)

John Blakemore (Yoda-like guru)
Blakemore audio interview

Michael Kenna

Any comments?

Friday, January 11, 2008

Colin Prior

On Friday 18th January Internationally-acclaimed landscape photographer, Colin Prior will be presenting his work in Studio 19 at 10.30am - all are welcome.

Details of Colin's workflow are here

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy New Year

There will be no lecture on the morning of Monday 7th January

Matthew will be outside Room 187 from 10.30am onwards on Monday if anyone has questions about the assessments later in the week.

There will not be a Digital class on the afternoon of Monday 7th - please use the time to prepare for next week's Theory test paper.

We WILL meet at 10.15am on Tuesday 8th to begin the Corporate assessment (- we will continue into the afternoon).

Journey to college sequence
Cross-lit portraits x2
Corporate sequence (on Powerpoint for projection and in print form IF you have chosen to do that)
Corporate price-list